Monday, 4 December 2017

Research: Target Audience Final Video (Group Post)

We surveyed 11 people. 9 female 2 male.

1.Do you think the kicking of the gate is relevant?

Prefered encoded reading achieved: 3 said that it announces a dramatic entrance and shows he is angry and upset.

Negotiated reading: 4 said that it is confusing as he seems aggressive but the song isn't              aggressive. They also said that it gives a negative view of the video although the video is good. He is also upset and angry

Oppositional reading: 4 said it is aggressive and the song is about love coming back and he is               being aggressive. 

2. Does the artist portray the genre well?

Preferred reading: 11 said  yes. "it follows the genre due to visuals and audio matching", "the dancing and goofy singing into camera represents love", "fun and upbeat", "he is enjoying what he is doing"

Negotiated reading: N/A

Oppositional reading: N/A

3. What do you understand about the story line?

Preferred reading: 6 said "he was in a relationship that didn't work and he misses her and wants her back", "he wants to spread love and positivity", "searching and questioning love, wants love to be spread and asking a previous partner to love him again", "wants to bring love back" 

Negotiated reading: 5 said "more of a concept based video to a narrative", "not sure why the strangers are there", "is he upset because love is lost between him and someone else in the video"

Oppositional reading: N/A

4. Which shot do you like the most and why?

Preferred reading: 1"hand in the shape of a heart", 3"you, you, you", 3 "change of costume in field", 1"swinging around lamppost", 1 "walking back", 2 "pan of town"

Negotiated reading: N/A

Oppositional reading: N/A

5. Do you think there were the right amount of costume changes?

Preferred reading: 6 said "effective to the character", "if there were anymore it wouldn't be right", "fun and added nice depth", "there aren't too many which is good"

Negotiated reading: 2 said "simply but not necessary", "don't think it was needed, could have been different outfits"

Oppositional reading: 3 said "should have been more obvious as the outfits are similar", didn't grab attention as they were all similar", "had little effect"

6. Which colours do you think are prominent in the colour scheme?

Preferred reading: 2 Red, 6 Pink, 3 green, 4 neutral/ browns, 1 white, 4 black/ grey, 2 blue

Negotiated reading: N/A

Oppositional reading: N/A

7. What shots do you think symbolise this video?

Preferred reading: 1 "circling the lamp", 6 "holding up the signs" , 3 "hands making a heart", 2 "hand holding", 2 "singing into camera", 1 "artist center frame"

Negotiated reading: N/A 

Oppositional reading: N/A

8. How well is the artist advertised in the video?

Preferred reading: 11 said "a positive person", "main focus", "advertised well as in almost every shot", "fun and quirky", "very well", " happy and bright", "enthusiastic and happy", " a loving person"

Negotiated reading: N/A

Oppositional reading: N/A

9. Do you understand what has happened in the main characters life?

Preferred reading: 6 said "he gets happier as he finds love", "relationship problems", "breakup, hurt feelings", "had love problems", "split with girlfriend and wants her back", "really wants love"

Negotiated reading: 2 said "lack of love or maybe a lot of anger?", "some suggest he is thinking about a girl, others he is thinking about love"

Oppositional reading: 3 said "no", "not really", "video seemed concept based", "bubble with Iona in not repeated so not clear enough"

10.  Do you think when the artist changes emotions throughout the video it allows you to connect with him more?

Preferred reading: 2 said "we feel different emotions so more relateable"

Negotiated reading: 3 said "all the same although emotions shown makes it constant", "I thought he looked happy"

Oppositional reading: 6 said "I didn't see a shift in mood", "no obvious change although I connect with him more when he is having fun"

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