For my TA research 1, I surveyed 5 people on a group chat in Facebook messenger. I first sent them a message telling them what was happening then I sent them screenshots of my lyric analysis and then sending them my questions.
My Questions
1. What was your overall opinion of my initial ideas?
Person 1(18): "I think your initial ideas are great - not too ambitious but also not boring, they are full of potential too."
Person 2 (18): "I really like how you have made the overall atmosphere dramatic and extremely powerful, without making it too harrowing."
Person 3 (27): "I really like your initial ideas. It uses a topic that is not only about us in the media and on the news all the time but something that everyone can relate to in one way or another."
Person 4 (17): "I think your initial ideas were great, lots of interesting content and I believe it is a great starting block for the video."
Person 5 (18): "Your ideas are good at developing an intense atmosphere where still making it relatable to the audience. It is possible that these ideas could be broaden to include natural disasters as well as warfare? Could use up to date war events e.g. the nuclear missile with North Korea to make the video more harrowing as this is happening now."
2. What age range do you think this video will target?
Person 1: "It is hard to pin point a specific age range due to it being about disasters - for example, I'd be interested but so would my mum and potentially my nanna."
Person 2: "I believe this video would engage people of all ages, however, possibly children would be a little frightened."
Person 3: "In my opinion, the video could target 2 main age ranges. First one is 16 - 30 as its current affairs and could bring a hint of politics into the debate. Secondly would be the older generation 60+ as for most of them, war and conflict affected them in someway in early childhood"
Person 4: "I think the age range is a variety of different ages. I think the youngest age it will target is early teens like 12/13 but then I also think older people will be interested in this because of the way it is set out."
Person 5: "This applies to all age ranges as war influenced many generations however it could be too upsetting for children."
3. Do the suggested locations suit this music video?
Person 1: "yes, Brigg would be good as it is a calm area thus contrasting what you are portraying in the video."
Person 2: "Using Scunthorpe in your scenes would be a very good way to display the insipid character of the video."
Person 3: "I believe that using Scunthorpe and Brigg are good locations for the music video as both towns have links and reminders of a war or conflict that took place locally. This would be good to use as well to show a possible contrast of how it is today."
Person 4: "I do think that the locations will suit the video. Brigg is a good location because there are time when it is calm and there won't be people interrupting. However, Scunthorpe can be good if you want people in the background."
Person 5: "Yes the locations are suited especially Scunthorpe due to the amount of closed down shops could make more emphasise."
4. Do you think I have portrayed the idea well?
Person 1: "yes, it is a good idea with a good song (and lyrics) to help show the emotions of the disasters you are using in the video."
Person 2; "Yes."
Person 3: "Yes, I like the way you've thought about what every lyric means and what it could be portraying."
Person 4: "I think you have portrayed the idea well because of the way it is set out with the lyrics and the corresponding things that will happen in the video."
Person 5: "Yes the ideas are well developed and suited for its intention"
5. Are there anyways in which I could improve the ideas?
Person 1: " You can't improve as such but you can expand upon your ideas."
Person 2: "Possibly could use more examples e.g. wearing a coat on a dull day etc."
Person 3: "Use costumes or props to help reflect the idea of war etc."
Person 4: "I think you can improve on these ideas by expanding more and writing down the costumes people will be wearing and making a hard decision on where the location will be."
Person 5: "No, just expand your ideas."
6. Do you think it is more beneficial to feature my artist more or the concept of the video more?
Person 1: "concept of the video."
Person 2: "Definitely concept of video."
Person 3: "Because of the theme of the video, I believe it would suit showing the concept of the video more."
Person 4: "Concept of the video - will know whats happening."
Person 5: "I think it is more beneficial to feature the concept because war has effected many generations and will continue to so it is very relatable whereas the artist would be more limited to its fanbase."
7. In your chosen age range, what type of characteristics would this attract?
Person 1: "hard to answer given my answer to the linked question."
Person 2: "Not sure."
Person 3: "Not sure about this one."
Person 4: "Not sure what you mean"
Person 5: "Everyone because our age range has grown up in the war on terrorism following the twin towers."
8. Which gender does the song/ideas suite more and why (or both)?
Person 1: "probably females because of the artist, also females usually show more emotion towards the chosen subject as a general stereotype but really it suits both."
Person 2: "I believe it suits both genders."
Person 3: "I think the video suits both genders as the result of war can affect anyone. However, I can see it also suiting males because characteristically males were associated with the forces more than women are.
Person 4: "I think the gender this suites is primarily female because females are more likely to have a emotional connection to the video but also it can appeal to males because it is quite generic."
Person 5: "Suited for both genders but particularly women as they will have lost husbands/sons at war."
9. Which generation does this focus on? is it a younger audience who have grown up in a world of conflict or a younger audience looking back at loved one like a grandad?
Person 1: "older."
Person 2: "Older people may be able to relate to this more"
Person 3: "In my opinion, the video suits both a younger audience looking back at a generation who have grown in a world of conflict."
Person 4: " I think this focuses on an older generation because will have more of an understanding of different disasters that will happen."
Person 5: "Both"
10. How would you be affected by this video?
Person 1: "Looking back upon larger world effecting disasters would make me emotional to think that families have been destroyed, than after the video finishes I would think about the 'disasters' that have happened close to home - overall this would make me upset to think that life has a lot of down sides to it. A more positive approach to this perhaps is to then things of how we have - as a world, nation or community - got through the disasters to be what we are now, without the past there is no future.
Person 2: "I think maybe this video could get quite daunting especially to people that have experienced the events. To make the video more lighthearted you could show how the problems are solved and how people come together and help."
Person 3: "This video would personally make me be reflective and also thankful to those who fought in wars etc. so we would have the lives we have today"
Person 4: "This video makes me kind of emotional because of the recent tragedies that have happened with terrorism and national disasters and makes me realise how lucky I am to be living far away from this."
Person 5: "Makes me reflect on the world we live in and to appreciate those who risk their lives at war to fight for our country."