Monday, 25 September 2017

Research: Music Video Analysis 10 Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud

About The Video

The video was released in 2014 by pop singer Ed Sheeran. In this video Ed is put out of his comfort zone. He takes the lead role which he doesn't in his other videos. The video is narrative based with no performance aspects to the video. It tells the story of him and his girlfriend and saying he will love her till the end. The video is shot in a stately ballroom throughout the video. It suggests that it is a low budget video because they use one set of costumes and they use low lighting.

Relationship Between Visuals and Lyrics

In this shot the female dancer puts her hand on Ed's heart. This is when the lyrics "and baby my, heart" is sung. A medium long shot is used in the shot and low lighting is used. However, there is a spotlight for key lighting. It is a very romantic shot where they are wearing traditional costumes. Se is wearing a long, white dress to symbolise purity. This is also part of Strauss' binary opposition. Although, it symbolises purity it also shows promiscuity as you can see from the image on the embedded video. He is wearing a formal suit which is also different from his other videos.

The screen shot above shows Ed reaching for her hand. this coincides with the lyrics "maybe just the touch of a hand". The fact that their bodies are touching shows that they are coming together and becoming one. Many long shots are used in the video and this is one of those shots.

In this scene they are posed like he is strumming a guitar. This is a good promotional as he plays he guitar in real life and his videos always make references to guitars. The lyrics to this video are "When my hands don't play the strings the same way". The song talks about growing old and features stereotypes of what happens to old people.

Relationship Between Visuals and Music

This is a fairly slow ballad and in turn the dancing is slow with it. The scenes cut off the beat which is unusual. There aren't a lot of videos that use contemporary dancing for the whole video, same location and same costume.

Promotional Aspects

In this music video and in every other music video Warner have produce, there is a Warner logo in one of the corners.

How this has influenced my creativity and planning

  1.  This is a video that breaks a lot of conventions. It uses one location, one set of costumes and one similar lighting.
  2. There aren't that many types of camera shots including close ups
  3. the video doesn't promote the artist well as there are no shots of his face clearly

1 comment:

  1. A good post but you could say more and make this proficient - write about the locations in more detail, there is intertextuality and you could also use representaiton theoy.
